Weekend Camera Catchups
West End Camera Club catch ups with Simon and Rocky with his Leica MP.
West End Camera Club catch ups with Simon and Rocky with his Leica MP.
Another morning of coffee and breakfast at Blackstar with Simon and Hannah from the West End Camera Club with some street pictures for good measure.
Spent the day with Tom then hung out with Rocky, my sister's Staffy.
Just a random selection of pictures so far this weekend. Oh, and I finally saw the moon up close with my telescope.
Dash and I saw a talk on creativity, intelligence and mental illness at the World Science Festival in South Bank then headed into the city.
Did some test prints at West End Camera Club on the Epson P800 printer.
Wandered around the city with Simon today.
I've been feeling the need to make more street photographs but I'm pretty rusty.
Had breakfast with Simon and Hannah. I've been trying to get back into street photography a little but I'm really rusty.
Just a few pictures of the city during the rain. I haven't taken these kinds of photos for a while.
Breakfast in West End with Hannah and Simon followed by some urban photos.
Spent the day with Simon, Jeremy and Mark from the West End Camera Club.
I caught up with Simon for breakfast and a wander through the city then spent the afternoon with Dash and his adorable little daughter, Hannah.
Made my way into the city after work and took a few pictures.
Caught up with Hannah, Simon, Mark and Aprille for breakfast.