Photo Vol. 123
It's a black and white kinda month, with a little more Rolleiflex street photography this time! It's a tough camera to shoot in the fast paced environment of the street but the results are very interesting. I think I prefer shooting colour on the Rollei, despite having to pay a lot more for outsourcing dev and scan.
The Leica M7 wasn't fully serviced as I had paid for, so I've sent it back after they called me up to apologise for the lack of care. Once it's back, it shouldn't need a service for some years. It was nice to shoot a few rolls on my classic setup though.
It's been an interesting couple of weeks as I waited for the next NIDA course (which just started). I think I'm coming to grips with what this acting thing means in the grand scheme of things, and I guess I'm thinking that I may not have the capacity or willpower to go down the route of trying to work towards a career in it.
I love film photography and it already takes a lot of time alongside work. That being said, I still have eight weeks of this third course and will see it through. Being in the acting classes, working on characters, discovering their true motivations and how they operate has given me a little insight into what I should learn from my own true motivations and how I let them inform what I choose to do.

My mini New York again.


Nature vs man.

Corporate overlords at it again.

Chats with Simon.

Need a shoe shine.

Got my M7 back from Camera Clinic only to find it wasn’t actually fully fixed. Thanks Camera Clinic.

Workshop textures.

Jason fixing stuff in his 4WD.

Oil for days.

Hannah and Simon.


Everyone reppin’ their style.

Sweet Merc.

Nice shoes.

Train bridge.

Victoria Bridge winters.

Pizza, beer and sprinkler booster connections.

Anzac Square again.

Thankfully they’re not just turning this into another concrete hot plate.

Skypin’ in the big city.

Tonka Toys.

Brisbane CBD.

Play pit.


Dense negatives due to a tank fumble during development, feels like underexposure.

Passing through.

So many rules.

So much coffee.


Nice vacuum!

Tiny people from a postal van.

Sweet coat, mate.


Steer clear of those bins.

Building textures.

Dumpsters and kegs, volume one million.

Pushed this next roll to ISO 1600. Not sure I got the developing right. Super contrasty with little shadow detail, but maybe that’s how it is.

Mmm, toasties.

Up down.

Street mornings with Dash.

Street peoples of Brisbane.


Probably bad, rushed metering. Like the shot though.

Under construction.

Total Pace setting up at Black Bear Lodge.

Luke Henery (of Violent Soho) setting up.

Heading home.

Waitin’ for buses while I wait for coffee.

West End mornings.

Nothin’ like a good ol’ coffee round table.

So tiny!

Simon on Ilford Pan F+.

Fast moving street photography on the Rolleiflex is less than practical.


Finishing off a roll of Tri-X.


Wes Anderson vibes.

Street photography with a fully manual Rolleiflex is not very practical.

This is all red.

That mural…

Art Gallery geometries.

Shooting some Ilford HP5+ on the streets with the Rolleiflex.

I’ll walk thanks.

Love the helmet.

Rolleiflexes aren’t the best for quick street action.

Gong cha.


People walking #399,290.

Rolleiflex depth of field……