Photo Vol. 124
Winter is slowly passing, and we're having some warm days here and there. The light is still quite beautiful most of the day. I find myself growing especially fond of colour film on the Rolleiflex and remaining true to my black and white 35mm style. I have no colour film scanning gear which influences my choice of film to generally monochrome.
I bought a Nikon 28mm F2.8 AF-D lens to use on both my digital and film Nikons. There's so much room in the frame! I feel more free and open with it, although I'm not used to having to be so close to things. Environmental scenes are easier to compose, but portraits are tough to execute on a 28mm without being medium shots or wider. I'm still waiting on the Leica M7 so I can get back to my standard 35mm.
I await the M7's return with bated breath! Though I now also await an Intrepid 5x4 view camera.



Old blokes.


A colony in South Bank.

Always shooting vibrant colourful scenes on Tri-X.

Adriana, Liam and Brittainy, fellow NIDA Open students from the first course.


Fog is the best thing ever.

West End houses.

Taj is like a grown up dude now.


Taj leading the way.


And here I am wearing nice boots.

Mirror shot number five billion, eight hundred and forty thousand.

The 28mm Bros.

Ye Olde Hong Lan.

Textures and winter trees.

West End scenes.

Untitled West End.

Geometrical stuff.

Simon with three cameras on him.


More of this…

And even more…

But where’s the kids?

A tale of now four bins.

Subtropical Brisbane concrete jungle.

Glass is life.

Geez, so many warnings.

Not quite a black and white scene but hey.

Enjoying 28mm.

Simon with the mju-ii beast.

More 28mm scenes.

Brisbane always “up and coming”.

I love this scene.

Vodka and coffee…

Worst building design ever.

Random humans lining up for a shuttle.

Random humans walking to work.

For lease.

I went hiking with Dash and shot colour film.

Me on a mountain with a Nikon.

I shot my annual wedding for 2018.

Indooroopilly station.

I’m heading that way.

The old scales of justice…

Lines and lights.

Bonsai seriously have great black coffee.

Milk crates rule the world.

I’m so wary of using this Nikon FA for people street photography. It makes a giant clack shutter sound.

South Bank.


Me trying to think about acting.

Brittainy and Liam.

Make bold choices.


I got these Mount Greville Kodak Ektar 100 frames scanned in raw.

A composition to explore in the future.

“Intimate” composition.

The southern ends of Main Range.

From the south east ridge of Mount Greville.

Dash on a mountain.

Mount Moon across the way.

Negative films have ‘uuuge highlight latitude.

5x4 composition?

This is the kind of scene I would love to shoot on 5x4 when I’m up and running.