Black & White Vol. 101
Now that I'm writing a lot more than simple photo posts, I decided to change the black and white street and documentary into a "volume" series so it could sit alongside my essays and other articles in a more discrete fashion. I started at 101 because there's already so much of this in the blog history!
These are from the last few months.

Bright red flame tree in black and white... Go figure.

Simon climbing on things for the shot.

Fuji GA645 with Kodak Tri-X 400 in it.

Me being a dork.

Hell of a day.

On the way to work (not me).

Also going to work.


Sunny, windy summer.

Cappuccino please.

Walking suit #103,900,216.

The best 35mm compact ever. Olympus mju ii.

It's an Apple iPod ad kind of day.

Tyler at coffee.

Summer is bright.

Looks awfully relaxing.


Would you trust this man?

I swear I thought about taking the picture about 1500 milliseconds earlier. Suited lifestyle advertisement?

Anonymous portraits.