Practicing Decisiveness & Restraint In Photography

Over the course of my photographic journey, two concepts have become a large part of my how I shoot every day — decisiveness and restraint. Employing these has helped me to become a much more consistent and disciplined photographer, especially now as a film photographer with a finite amount of frames to expose every time I walk out the door.

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Photo Vol. 125

August is cold, well for a Queenslander anyway. I have my Leica M7 back now (about half way through this post) and it's working beautifully. You don't realise the effect a camera has on your shooting style until you are forced to use another, in this case a loud Nikon SLR. In the mean time, I've received my first large format lens, the Nikon 135mm f/5.6 in mint working condition. Still some weeks left before I can expect the Intrepid 4x5.

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Photo Vol. 124

Winter is slowly passing, and we're having some warm days here and there. The light is still quite beautiful most of the day. I find myself growing especially fond of colour film on the Rolleiflex and remaining true to my black and white 35mm style. I have no colour film scanning gear which influences my choice of film to generally monochrome.

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Investigating Large Format 5x4

I've been enjoying the Rolleiflex, but square format is not where I want to be for landscape photography. I prefer a rectangular composition. I've also thought about investigating other medium format cameras but something about "going big" seems like the right way to go now, after having seen many of Ben Horne's videos and seeing photographers like Alex Burke at work.

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